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  • Writer's pictureTracy Sykes Garrett

Camp Lucky Strike

“Today, little remains. Names of GIs carved into trees in the surrounding forests. Some scuffed tarmac. Perhaps a wooden structure or two absorbed into the French villages that have grown up around the original sites.” -of what remains of the cigarette camps, Larry Belmont

In Normandy, France is the Paluel Castle. This was the headquarters for Camp Lucky Strike in WWII. It is currently owned (according to rumor) by the famous fashion family, Hermès who use it to entertain. Jack snapped these photos while stationed there.

“Today, little remains.”

A 'Cigarette' Camp

These tent camps were set up near Le Havre. There are said to have been anywhere from 60,000-100,00 men living at Camp Lucky Strike at any given date.

When Jack arrived at Camp Lucky Strike it was still under construction. He had to unroll his brand new sleeping bag for his first night there, sleeping on the frozen ground. Welcome to France boys.

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